Is your family growing? We offer many courses to ensure a rewarding birth experience and a smoother transition into parenthood.
- Please only register ONE PERSON per couple, or you will be charged twice.
- Each registrant may bring a support person with them, no need to register the support person.
- Breastfeeding Basics
Learn the art of breastfeeding with Kelly Duheme, our International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. We will discuss techniques and positions, benefits for both mom and baby, what to expect in the early days, and how your baby's feeding needs may change over time.
- Breastfeeding Support Group
Join Kelly Duheme, IBCLC, for a free support group to connect with other breastfeeding mothers. We will celebrate our successes, share our struggles, and offer guidance and support. Expectant mothers are encouraged to attend, and the group is open to all mothers regardless of delivery location.
- Childbirth Preparation Series— 2 Classes
Childbirth Preparation full-day class is designed to educate expectant parents on their options during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. We will discuss having a healthy pregnancy, the work of labor and birth, coping with labor, options for medications and other interventions, being an active participant in your care, the role of the birth partner, and the first 48 hours after birth.
- Childbirth Preparation—One Day Course
This weekend course offers expectant parents the opportunity to enroll in a one-day program to learn about their options during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. We will discuss having a healthy pregnancy, the work of labor and birth, coping with labor, options for medications and other interventions, being an active participant in your care, the role of the birth partner, and the first 48 hours after birth. Infant Care information is a part of this All Day class!
- Infant Care Class— 1 Class
Expectant and adoptive parents are invited to join us and learn about a variety of care topics, including newborn characteristics and behaviors, hospital routines, daily care and bathing, diapering, swaddling, feeding issues, crying, and colic. We will also discuss health and safety information, including SIDS risk factors.
- Prenatal Yoga - 6 Classes
In six 75-minute classes, instructors will guide you through postures which may decrease common pregnancy discomforts, such as back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel, swelling, anxiety, and fatigue, in addition to stretching and toning muscles used during labor and delivery. Instructors will also focus on meditation, breathing, relaxation, and visualization in preparation for childbirth. Class is suitable for women at any pregnancy stage. Yoga experience is not necessary.
Bring a mat, pillow, and blanket to each class.
A note from your healthcare provider indicating permission to participate is required.
- Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class – 1 Class
Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class highlights your baby’s active role in birth. During labor, the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!
This class is for expectant parents only.
Baby’s job in labor is to rotate!
- Learn about Spinning Babies® Techniques
- Daily Essential Activities
- The Three BalancesSM help birth muscles to relax and add comfort now to ease birth later.
- Birth Positions that open the pelvis that let the baby come through more easily.
- Bring your birth partner to learn how to help you in pregnancy for comfort in labor and birth.
Class participants need to be at least 25 weeks pregnant at the time of the class.
- Sep 19 - Infant Care Class
- Sep 20 - Breastfeeding Support Group
- Sep 21 - Childbirth Preparation ALL DAY CLASS