Transport within 2 hours of collection at room temperature.
** Rectal Swab is least desirable specimen. Rotate swab to sample anal crypts. Feces should be visible.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Ion Selective/Diluted/ Indirect Potentiometric
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Ion Selective/Diluted/ Indirect Potentiometric
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Ion Selective/Diluted/ Indirect Potentiometric
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
* Refer to "Specimen Collection and Transport", Specimen Collection Requirements/Notes, Microbiology section for details.
* Refer to "Specimen Collection and Transport", Specimen Collection Requirements/Notes, Microbiology section for details.
Methodology: Kinyoun "Cold" Acid Fast Bacilli Stain. ** Direct acid fast smears are performed at Saratoga Hospital laboratory. Specimen is sent to a reference laboratory for concentrated smear and culture with reflex to identification & susceptibility testing. * Refer to "Specimen Collection and Transport", Specimen Collection Requirements/Notes, Microbiology section for details.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Deliver immediately to Pathology.
Refrigerate specimen when there is a delay in processing and place pathology requisition on counter in histology lab.
Submit a pathology requisition with amputation.
Consent of operation, anesthetics and other medical services form serves as a disposal form when signed and witnessed.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Specify antibody to be titered. Sent to American Red Cross.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Deliver specimen to Cytology immediately. Refrigerate if there is a delay in processing.
Cytology requisition must accompany specimen. Fresh-Send to lab immediately - OR - Fixative-add equal amounts of fixative provided by lab. Methodology: Thinprep.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Contact the American Red Cross 1-800-634-9069 Coordinator: 585-760-5559
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Physician must consult with pathologist prior to autopsy. Permission for autopsy as documented by signatures on the permit must be obtained from the appropriate person (s) recognized by Law.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Competitive immunoassay using direct chemiluminescent technology
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Performed only at Wilton Medical Arts and Malta Medical Arts. Methodology: Rapid test for sialidase; an enzyme produced by bacterial pathogens that can cause bacterial vaginosis (BV).
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Vitamin A drawn in chilled tube and protect from light. Vit B1 & Vit B6 plasma frozen and protected from light.
Panel includes CBC with automated diff, Urinalysis w/reflex to Micro, Basic Metabolic Panel, Hepatic Function Panel, Iron, Lipid Profile, MG, TSH, T4, T3, Folate, B12, Hemoglobin A1C, Vitamin B1, B6, A and D.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Vitamin A drawn in chilled tube and protect from light. Vit B1 WB frozen/prtect from light, & Vit B6 plasma frozen and protected from light.
Panel includes CBC with automated diff, Urinalysis w/reflex to Micro, Basic Metabolic Panel, Hepatic Function Panel, Iron, Lipid Profile, MG, TSH, T4, T3, Folate, B12, Quantitative BHCG, Hemoglobin A1C Vitamin B1, B6, A and D.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: sandwich immunoassay using direct chemiluminescent technology
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Specimen received with a completed Pathology requisition including pertinent clinical history.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
No testing done; specimen is held in Blood bank for three days. Contact Blood bank to add test/products requests.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
No testing done; specimen is held in Blood bank for three days. Contact Blood bank to add test/products requests. Mother's blood type is required to place order.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Transport within 2 hours of collection at room temperature. Off-site labs or physician offices: Transport within 24 hrs at room temp.
Methodology: Incubation with reflex to Gram stain, culture, identification & susceptibility testing. * Refer to "Specimen Collection and Transport", Specimen Collection Requirements/Notes, Microbiology section for details.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
LAVENDER (potassium EDTA)/Sterile container for Cytology
Deliver to lab within one hour of collection.
Use for body fluids, I.e. pleural, thoracentesis, peritoneal, etc. Methodology: Coulter principle and microscopic examination. ThinPrep for Cytology.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Use for body fluids, I.e. pleural, thoracentesis, peritoneal, etc. Methodology: Coulter principle and microscopic examination.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Use for body fluids, i.e. pleural, thoracentesis, peritoneal, etc.Methodology: Coulter principle
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Gram Stain & Culture with reflex to identification & susceptibility testing. Cover bone with several drops of nonbacteriostatic saline to keep moist.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Slides delivered to Hematology.
Biopsy to Histology.
Call hematology to schedule assistance. Collection kit now ordered by CAT scan.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Deliver to laboratory immediately. Refrigerate if there is a delay in processing.
Nipple secretions: Fix smears immediately with spray fixative or place slides in fixative (provided by Cytology). Place aspirated material in cytology fixative container. Cytology requisition including pertinent clinical information must accompany specimen.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Fix slides immediately in 95% alcohol. Label slides with patients name, source of specimen, date of collection.
Cytology requisition must accompany specimen.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Cytology fixative (provided by Cytology laboratory)
Deliver to laboratory immediately. Refrigerate if there is a delay in processing.
Cytology requisition must accompany specimen. Fresh - send to lab immediately - OR - Fixative - add equal amounts of fixative provided by lab. Methodology: ThinPrep.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: sandwich immunoassay using direct chemiluminescent technology
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Phlebotomy to collect, Respiratory to perform testing.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: sandwich immunoassay using direct chemiluminescent technology
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Culture with reflex to identification & susceptibility testing. Two (2) blood cultures, 1 through the catheter and 1 peripheral, should be ordered and collected before the catheter is removed. If source is Intra-arterial or Intravenous, cut approx 2 to 3 inches from distal end of the catheter and place in sterile container.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Room temperature within 24 hours. Refrigerate 24-72 hours.
Invert several times.
Exact amount of blood required.Methodology:Coulter principle, VCSn Technology, Photmometric measurement.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Room temperature within 24 hours. Refrigerate 24-72 hours.
Invert several times. Exact amount of blood required. Methodology:Coulter principle, VCSn Technology, Photmometric measurement.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Room temperature within 24 hours. Refrigerate 24-72 hours.
Invert several times. Exact amount of blood required. Methodology:Coulter principle VCSn Technology, Photmometric measurement. and manual diff.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: ThinPrep Fixative (provided by Cytology).
Room temperature
Order screening or diagnostic pap smear, include source and pertinent clinical information on a cytology requisition. Rinse the brush as quickly as possible in the PreservCyt Solution by rotating the device in the solution 10 times while pushing against the PreservCyt vial wall. Swirl the brush vigorously to further release material. Discard the brush. Additional collection information is available upon physician's request. The College of American Pathologist (CAP) requires the laboratory to educate providers of cervicovaginal specimens that the pap test is a screening test for cervical cancer with an inherent false negative rate (see CAP regulation CYP.06466). Methodology: Thinprep.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Ion Selective/Diluted/ Indirect Potentiometric
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Tissue is sent to reference laboratory for processing.
Send specimen fresh - no fixative. Deliver immediately with a completed Pathology requisition to Pathology and notify a technician when it arrives. Refrigerate if there is a delay in processing.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Cepheids Sample Collection Device 3 mL Viral Transport Media (SWAB/B-100 or NASL-100N-100)
Transport Immediately at Room Temperature
NOTE: The real-time RT-PCR assay for SARS-CoV-2 was developed by Cepheid for the purpose of diagnostic testing to allow for rapid response during a declared public health emergency and has Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the FDA. Negative SAR-CoV-2 results do not preclude infection and should not be used as the sole basis for patient management decisions. Additional information is available on Saratoga Hospital’s website.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Frozen product. One unit of pooled cryo= 5 units of random cryo.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Collected by physician. Methodology: Microscopic examination.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Gram Stain & Culture with reflex to identification & susceptibility testing. Submit: Minimun of 2 ml of CSF in Tube #2 or most turbid tube (best for culture).
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Exact amount of blood required. Wilton and Malta Methodolgy: Flourescence immunoassay.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Exact amount of blood required. Main Lab Methodology: immunoturbidimetric assay.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Special order from the American Red Cross; contact blood bank prior to order.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Order:Aerobic Culture and Gram Stain (Wound Culture).
Select Ear as source and state exact site of collection.
LIS Mnemonic:
ESwab Collection and Transport System
Transport within 24 hrs. at room temperature.
Methodology: Gram Stain & Culture with reflex to identification & susceptibility testing. **Specify Source: Right or Left, External or Tympanocentesis
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Ion Selective/Diluted/ Indirect Potentiometric
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Room temperature within 24 hrs. Refrigerate 24-48 hrs.
Invert several times. Methodology: Coulter principle
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Competitive immunoassay using direct chemiluminescent technology
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Alcohol Dehydrogenase/UV / bichromatic rate
Do not open tube - prep with iodine
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Order:Aerobic Culture and Gram Stain (Wound Culture) Source: EYE, Specify Right or Left
LIS Mnemonic:
ESwab Collection and Transport System
Transport within 24 hrs. at room temperature.
Methodology: Gram Stain & Culture with reflex to identification & susceptibility testing. * Refer to "Specimen Collection and Transport", Specimen Collection Requirements/Notes, Microbiology section for details.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Room temperature within 24 hrs. Refrigerate 24-48 hrs.
Maternal blood ASAP after delivery. Methology: modification of the Kleihauer-Betke
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Draw within 4 hours of delivery. Methodology: immune rosetting technique
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Room temperature within 4 HRS collection of freeze plasma.
Exact amount of blood required. Methodology: Clauss method
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Deliver to Cytology immediately. Refrigerate if there is a delay in processing.
Fix smears immediately with spray fixative or place slides in fixative (provided by Cytology). Place remainder of aspirated material in cytology fixative container. Cytology requisition including pertinent clinical information must accompany specimen. Methodology: Thinprep.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Send specimen to Cytology immediately. Refrigerate if there is a delay in processing.
Cytology requisition must accompany specimen. Fresh - send to lab immediately - OR - Fixative - add equal amounts of fixative provided by lab. Methodology: Thinprep.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Deliver to Cytology immediately.
Refrigerate if there is a delay in processing.
Fix smears immediately with spray fixative or place slides in fixative. Place remainder of aspirated material in cytology fixative container. Cytology requisition including pertinent clinical information must accompany specimen. Methodology: Thinprep.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Competitive immunoassay using direct chemiluminescent technology
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Deliver immediately to Pathology and notify technologist when it arrives.
Pathologist/histotechnologist notified prior to surgery.
Fresh specimen submitted, no formalin added. Indicate frozen section order on Pathology requisition.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: sandwich immunoassay using direct chemiluminescent technology
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Competitive immunoassay using direct chemiluminescent technology
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Spray fixed slides (labelled with name of patient) should be placed in plastic or cardboard slide holders and delivered to Cytology with Cytology requisition.
Smeared slide should be fixed immediately with cytology spray fixative (provided by Cytology lab).
Cytology requisition is required with specimen.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Specimen is delivered to Cytology as soon as possible. Refrigerate if there is a delay in processing.
Gastric washings should be fixed with an equal amount of fixative (provided by Cytology).
Cytology requisition is required with specimen. Methodology: Thinprep.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
JEMBEC Collection and Transport System
Eswab Collection and Transport System
* Refer to "Specimen Collection and Transport", Specimen Collection Requirements/Notes, Microbiology section for details.
Methodology: Culture with reflex to identification testing. * Refer to "Specimen Collection and Transport", Specimen Collection Requirements/Notes, Microbiology section for details.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Gram stain & Culture with reflex to identification and susceptibility testing.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Source: Vaginal/Rectal Methodology: Culture with reflex to identification testing for Streptococcus group B.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
BETA HEMOLYTIC STREPTOCOCCUS Group B Screen with reflex to Susceptibilities
LIS Mnemonic:
ESwab Collection and Transport System
Transport within 24 hrs. at room temperature.
Source: Vaginal/Rectal Methodology: Culture with reflex to identification & susceptibility testing for Streptococcus group B. ** Order if patient is PENICILLIN ALLERGIC
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Order screening or diagnostic pap smear, include source and pertinent clinical information on a cytology requisition. Rinse the brush as quickly as possible in the PreservCyt Solution by rotating the device in the solution 10 times while pushing against the PreservCyt vial wall. Swirl the brush vigorously to further release material. Discard the brush. Additional collection information is available upon physician's request. The College of American Pathologist (CAP) requires the laboratory to educate providers of cervicovaginal specimens that the pap test is a screening test for cervical cancer with an inherent false negative rate (see CAP regulation CYP.06466). Methodology: Thinprep.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Room temperature within 24 hrs. Refrigerate 24-48 hrs.
Metholodolgy: Automated cell counter
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
*Special order from the Red Cross: Contact Blood Bank for information on ordering HLA matched products
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Order HPV on Cytology requisition. ThinPrep specimen must accompany cytology requisition.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
95% alcohol or cytology spray fixative (provided by Cytology).
Tissue imprint smears should be fixed immediately with spray fixative or smears are placed in 95% alcohol to prevent drying artifact. Cytology requisition is required with specimen. Smears are labeled with patient name and date of collection.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Nasal Pharyngeal
Nasal Wash/Aspirate
Emergency department,EME,and Inpatients only for hospital infection prevention
LIS Mnemonic:
Cepheids Sample Collection Device
3 ml Viral transport Media
(SWAB/B-100 or NASL-100N-100)
Transport Immediately at Room Temperature
Methodology: The Cepheid FLU XC Assay is an automated, Multiplex,Real-time, Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay intended for the in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of Influenza A and Influenza B
Results are NOT intended to diagnose, guide or monitor treatment of Influenza
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Immunochromatographic membrane assay for repid detection of influenza A & A antigens. Submit: Place mini-tip swab in 1 ml of viral transport media
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Methodology: Ferene without Prior Protein Removal / bichromatic endpoint
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Special order from the Red Cross: Contact blood bank for information on ordering irradiated blood products
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
Use for joint fluids, I.e. knee, toe, elbow, etc.Methodology: Automated cell counter
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
10% formalin, electron microscopy fixative, immunofluorescence fixative (obtained from Pathology laboratory)
Refrigerate specimens if there is a delay in processing.
Specimens are sent to reference laboratory for testing.
Procedure is performed in Ultrasound by nephrologist. Pathology lab is notified in advance.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.
CPT Codes: The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and Saratoga Hospital may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.